Osborne Survey Results – Irish Daily Star
11 February 2025
The Irish Daily Star recently ran a piece on the results of Osborne’s survey on Women In The Workplace:
Mums struggle to strike a balance –
Almost half of working mothers believe both their parenting skills and their workload suffer equally, according to a recruitment agency. Up to 42 per cent of 575 working mothers surveyed by Osborne Recruitment admitted they can’t have it all, with up to 80 per cent believing that having children has affected their work.
But Osborne CEO Shona McManus said she believes working women can “have it all”. She said: “I myself am a single working mother and believe that we can have it all. It comes down to focusing on what is important, being efficient, having good childcare and having a stress outlet – for instance I run. Then it is possible to be the best mum, best businesswoman and best work colleague you can be.”
Up to 64 per cent of women surveyed admitted that having a family hampers your career progression. A further 47 percent believe that being a working mother and of a certain age affects the likelihood of landing a dream job, while almost half of those surveyed have never asked for a promotion.